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Construction technology on concrete cutoff wall of lower reservoir in Tai'an pumped storage station

LI Xiang- yang   

  • Online:2006-04-28 Published:2006-04-28



  1. 山东省泰安市水利勘测设计研究院, 山东泰安 271026

Abstract: The maximum design depth of Dahe reservoir (the lower reservoir) dam concrete cutoff wall is 30 m long, the whole area is 20 700 m2. In this article the construction technology is introduced, especially on the aspects of platform, experimental drill holes, unit hole base rock appraisal, drilling, slot shape, clean holes out, wall body casting, quality check. By quality control on key procedures and key parts we ensure the whole wall in good quality.

摘要: 大河水库大坝混凝土防渗墙设计最大墙深30 m, 总成墙面积2.07 万m2。介绍了防渗墙施工方法及技术, 着重介绍施工平台、先导孔设计及单孔基岩鉴定、造孔、槽形、清孔、墙体浇筑、质量检查等特征参数及如何通过关键工序、关键部位的质量保证措施, 确保墙身整体质量。