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Site tests of elasticity epoxy mortar on the spillway of Xin'anjiang hydropower dam

ZHANG Yun- xiong, ZHOU Hua-wen and SUN Zhi- heng, et al.   

  • Online:2006-04-28 Published:2006-04-28


张运雄1, 周华文1, 孙志恒2, 方文时2, 鲍志强2   

  1. 1.新安江水电厂, 浙江建德 311608; 2.中国水利水电科学研究院, 北京 100044

Abstract: Defects of the escape and cracks of the old epoxy mortar facing on the spillway of the Xin'anjiang dam were discovered during the inspection. Three times site- tests have been carried out in order to study the potential problems and construction technology in applying the elasticity epoxymortar on a large area. This paper introduces the field test conditions of three ones.It summarizes the possible affecting factors for construction quality during the application of the elasticity epoxy mortar on large area, and optimizes the selection of rawmaterial, composition of epoxy mortar and construction technology. The whole technology for construction of epoxy mortar on large area have been found out. The third test on site was proved to be successful by more than one year’s operation, with the anticipative effects achieved. On the good basis of the test, the elasticity epoxy mortar will be extensively applied on large area for resisting the abrasion in the future.

摘要: 新安江水电站溢流坝溢流面老环氧砂浆涂层出现了脱空、开裂等缺陷。为了研究弹性环氧砂浆大面积施工工艺和可能遇到的质量问题, 进行了三次现场试验。介绍了这三次现场试验情况, 总结出弹性环氧砂浆大面积施工中可能影响施工质量的因素, 并对原材料选择、砂浆配方和施工工艺等进行了优化, 摸索出一套适合于现场大面积施工的施工工艺。通过一年多的运行考验, 证明第三次弹性环氧砂浆现场试验取得了成功, 达到了预期的效果, 为今后采用弹性环氧砂浆处理大面积抗冲磨工程的应用打下良好基础。