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Flood analysis in Bikou reservoir

JING Jian-zhong   

  • Published:2005-06-28



  1. 碧口水力发电厂,甘肃文县 746412

Abstract: The article at first describes the weather situation compared with the influence based on flood for years. Then it sums up the evolving feature from atmospheric circulation in Bailongjiang valley and the rule of storm distribution. Analyzed the characteristic of river net after each flood, its value of every river course to flow is calculated. Above all, the article reveals flood characteristic and provides the basis for its flood dispatching in Bikou reservoir.

摘要: 本文从历年出现的较大洪水对应的天气形势分析入手,概括出白龙江流域大气环流演变特征和暴雨时空分布规律,通过对河网特性分析,河道各河段汇流特征值计算,揭示了碧口洪水特性,为碧口水库洪水调度提供了依据。