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Operation and management on Wuluwati dam

HAN Yan-hong and YANG Shu-hong   

  • Published:2005-06-28



  1. 乌鲁瓦提水利枢纽工程建设管理局,新疆和田 848000

Abstract: Wuluwati hydraulic project, the key project in the ninth five plan, has operated for 6 years safely since its reservoir storage in 1998. This article mainly summarized the experiences on the operation management in the recent years.

摘要: 乌鲁瓦提水利枢纽工程是国家九五期间重点项目,水库于1998年开始蓄水,于2002年主体工程竣工,现已安全运行6年。本文主要总结乌鲁瓦提枢纽工程的水库及大坝近几年来在运行管理方面的经验。