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Non-linear combination forecasting method in stream flow foreeasting

HU Ping and KANG Ling   

  • Published:2004-12-28



  1. 华中科技大学水电与数字化工程学院,湖北武汉 430074

Abstract: In this thesis, we apply artificial neural network based on non-linear combinatorial forecasting method to stream flow forecast. Using the data from Taiyangtuo flood in 1996, we make combinatorial modeling and predictions of the two construeted models by using three-layer BP network. Compared to other approaches, this method improves prediction accuracy, and the results are satisfactory.

摘要: 将基于人工神经网络的非线性组合预测方法应用于径流预测中,以1996年太阳沱的洪水资料为例,对已经建立的两个模型,采用三层的BP网络进行组合模拟预测,从多方面分析比较,证明用该种方法能够提高预测精度,结果令人满意。