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Summary on dam safety management for Yanguoxia hydropower station

ZHANG Yi, LI Yong-gao and JIAO Shi-hai   

  • Published:2004-06-28



  1. 盐锅峡水电厂,甘肃永靖 731601

Abstract: Yanguoxia hydropower station has been safely operating 42 years since 1961.In the recent 10 years for dam safety periodic inspection, no evidence impacting on dam safety operation at its dam and foundation has been found, and the dam has been assessed as normal. In this paper the summary has been detailed including flood prevention and dam safety management, hydraulic technology supervision, equipment imperfection management and maintenance. The authors have paid key attention on improving dam safety management system and technical standard. This paper can be referred by other similar hydropower stations.

摘要: 盐锅峡水电站自1961年水库蓄水发电以来,已经安全运行42年。在近10年的两次大坝安全定期检查中,大坝与基础均未发现影响安全运行的事故迹象,大坝评定为正常坝。本文介绍了该水电站防汛与大坝安全管理、水工技术监督、设备缺陷管理、水工建筑物运行维护等工作,重点阐述在建立完善大坝安全管理体系和技术标准方面所做的工作,为其他水电站提供借鉴与参考。