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Rehabilitation of the Gutianxi Ⅲ dam

XU Shi-yuan   

  • Published:2003-12-28



  1. 福建省古田溪水力发电厂,福建古田 352258

Abstract: Gutianxi Ⅲ dam was initially built in Aug,1958. Due to operating for 40 years, it has many problems including part of curtain in dam foundation losing effectiveness, the integrality of facing concrete being weakened in some extent, stability against sliding of some monoliths and lateral stability of counterfort retaining wall falling short of requirement of specifications in force. This article introduced the overall rehabilitation on this dam and its effect.?

摘要: 古田溪三级大坝始建于1958年8月。大坝经过近加年运行,坝基帷幕部分失效,面板混凝土整体性遭受一定程度削弱,部分坝段抗滑稳定性、垛墙的侧向稳定性达不到现行规范要求。本文介绍了对该坝进行全面补强加固的有关情况及其效果。