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Application of polyacrylic fibre netting concrete in Jinxiuchuan reservoir

TANG Guang-feng, GONG Chuan-zhong and LIU ling   

  • Published:2003-12-28



  1. 济南市水利建筑勘测设计研究院,山东济南 250014

Abstract: To mix quantitative polyacrylic fibre netting in to concrete mix can effectively prevent concrete from plastic cracks in its early time.This method can improve concrete properties on resistance to impact, frost resistance and anti-seepage, so increase the operation age of structures.?

摘要: 在混凝土的拌合料中掺入一定数量的聚丙烯纤维,可以有效防止混凝土早期的塑性龟裂,提高混凝土的抗冲击性、抗冻性、抗渗性.从而提高建筑物的使用寿命。