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Application of CFRP into rehabilitation of hydropower projects

Liu Xiao-ming   

  • Published:2003-02-28



  1. 武汉大学土建学院,武汉 430072

Abstract: It is a new technique to apply CFRP strengthening concrete structure recently appearing in construction field. This paper introduced the main functions and characteristics of the carbon fibre complex material, felt material and its construction technique, as well as the case studies. It also give a brief analysis on application prospect for rehabilitation of hydraulic structure.?

摘要: 碳纤维复合材料加固修复混凝土结构技术是近年来在建筑行业兴起的一种修复混凝土结构的新技术。它比一般的加固方法有着明显的优越性,本文介绍了碳纤维材料及粘结材料以及该技术的主要功能和特点,最后介绍了利用碳纤维材料加固水工结构的几个实例,并对碳纤维材料在水工结构加固中的应用前景作了初步分析。