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Analysis on status quo of magazine of Dam and Safety

Xu Chuan-gui   

  • Published:2003-02-28



  1. 国家电力公司大坝安全监察中心,杭州 310014

Abstract: From the two aspects of guide and technicality, it discussed the publication of Dam and Safety for two years after its public circulation at home and abroad, briefly introduced the important selections, column design and special issue. It put forward the working theory on “serving the administers, serving the readers”, make clear the goal of Dam and Safety for recent years.?

摘要: 从导向性和学术性两个万面对《大坝与安全》公开发行两年来的论文刊发情况统计用数据做了一个分析,对重点选题、专栏设计、专辑出版等编辑思路做了一个简要介绍。同时提出切实“为上级服务,为读者服务”的工作理念,并明确了近年期刊的努力方向。