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Summary on design of data acquisition system of safety monitoring for Xiaolangdi Project

Wang Qing-ming   

  • Published:2002-08-28



  1. 水利部黄河水利委员会勘测规划设计研究院,郑州 450003

Abstract: Prototype observervation are quite significant to safety operation of Xiaolangdi Project owing to large scale,many underground tunnels and complicated geological condition.This paper introduced details on the structure of safety monitoring data acquisition system and disposition,measurement points arrangement,functional requirement,system operation,system software and performance.?

摘要: 小浪底工程规模大,地下洞室多,地质条件复杂,原型观测对枢纽安全运行具有十分重要的意义。本文系统介绍了工程安全监测数据采集系统的结构及配置、测站布置、功能要求、系统操作、系统软件、实施情况等。