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Safety monitoring automation system for upper pool in Shisanling Pumped Storage Station

Peng Tao   

  • Published:2002-08-28



  1. 十三陵蓄能电厂,北京昌平 102200

Abstract: The upper pool in Shisanling Pumped Storage Station is the first one at which the reinforced concrete proof facing is adopted. In this project, its engineeering topographic and geological condition is quite complicated in upper pool, a variety of monitoring apparatus were installed, the operation condition is much different from conventional hydropower station. In this paper, the automation modifica-tion scheme and the summary of monitoring system have been introduced.?

摘要: 十三陵蓄能电站上水库为国内首座采用钢筋混凝土面板全库防渗的上水库,工程地形地质条件复杂,防渗面积大,监测仪器种类多、数量大,运行工况同常规水电站有较大的差别。针对上述实际情况,本文全面介绍该电厂上水库的安全监测系统概况及其自动化改造。