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Application of telemetric coordinator in TGP

GUO Zuo-jie and XU Bo   

  • Published:2004-08-28



  1. 中国长江三峡工程开发总公司,湖北宜昌 443133

Abstract: This paper mainly introduces the fundamental principle and function characteristics of the telemetric coordinator which produced by Huggenberger company in Switzerland, and also introduces the key points that must be paid attention to the embedding process;According to the comparison of the application in the dam?permanent ship locks and the results measured manually, this telemetric coordinator has a quality of stable function?high data collecting rate? low error codes rate? low deletion rate?high resolution and high accuracy,so it is one of advanced and mature products in the world in recent years.

摘要: 主要介绍了Huggenberger公司遥测坐标仪的基本原理、性能特点和安装过程以及必须注意的环节;并通过在大坝、永久船闸的实际运用中与人工观测成果进行比较:该仪器性能稳定、数据采集率高,错码、缺失率低,分辨率、精度高,是目前国内外较先进、成熟的产品之一。