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New techniques and result analysis on construction of TGP’S cofferdam safety monitoring

FENG Xing-chang and YU San-da   

  • Published:2004-08-28



  1. 中国长江三峡工程开发总公司,湖北宜昌 443133

Abstract: The paper has briefly analyzed the construction new techniques and result of the TGP stageⅡ cofferdam safety monitoring, through analysis we consider that 1.0 m wide impervious wall, which is made by the pulling out the tube bore method, hydraulic auto-balancing strain gauge, and embedding the earth pressure gauge and the osmometer by using hanging the cloth method, is workable. The maximum deformation of waterproof wall is 612.32 mm, less than design value of 674 mm ; the maximum tensile stress and compressive stress are 0.094 MPa and -1.392 MPa respectively, which are within the range of allowable material strength. The upstream impervious wall and the downstream one reduce water head to 51.58 m and 51.04 m respectively. The effect of the impervious walls is remarkable, and the seepage discharge is between 26~62 L/s, which is 600 L/s less than design value. So it is concluded that the waterproof wall works in normal condition.?

摘要: 对三峡二期围堰安全监测施工新技术和监测成果进行简要分析,通过分析认为1.0 m宽的防渗墙内采用拔管成孔法,液压自动平衡应变计、挂布法埋设土压力计和渗压计是成功的。防渗墙最大变形612.32mm,小于设计值674mm,最大拉、压应力分别为0.094MPa和-1.392MPa,在材料允许强度范围内,上、下游防渗墙分别削减水头51.58m和51.04m,防渗效果显著,渗流量在26-62 L/s之间,小于设计值600 L/s,说明围堰工作性态正常。