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Introduction on automatic clean machine for wire cable and application

FU Bing, HAN Cheng-yin and CHEN Bin   

  • Online:2006-02-28 Published:2006-02-28


付兵,韩成银,陈 斌   

  1. 江苏省三河闸管理处,江苏洪泽 223100

Abstract: This paper introduces a new machine of automatic clean machine for wire cable, including its work principle, structure and performance, especially on the key technology used in the course of study. This clean machine features in compact design and simple structure, it is endurable and reliable, operation convenient whit high efficiency, without pollution. Finally, the application prospects are viewed in hydraulic and other relative sectors.

摘要: 介绍了水利系统的创新成果———钢丝绳自动清洗机的原理、结构和性能;对研制钢丝绳自动清洗机的关键技术进行了重点说明;通过应用实例,对该机具有设计紧凑、结构简单、耐用、可靠、操作轻便灵活、掌握方便和清洗效率高、无污染、效益明显等的特点进行了阐述;最后对该机在我国水利和其它有关行业使用钢丝绳自动清洗机的前景进行了展望。