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Design on the monitoring automation system and its operation in Shisanling pumped storage station

NIU Xiang-zhi   

  • Online:2006-02-28 Published:2006-02-28



  1. 北京十三陵蓄能电厂,北京昌平 102200

Abstract: The upper reservoir of Shisanling pumped storage station is located on the mountain top of Mangshan,where the geological condition is quite complex.During the station construction a large quantity of monitoring instruments were embedded.The original artificial monitoring system has worked inefficiently.In May,2002,it was rebuilt to a new automatic system suitable for its own features.Now,the system has operated normally for 3 years,simultaneously some problems needed as well for further improvement.

摘要: 由于十三陵蓄能电站上水库地处蟒山之巅,所在山体地质条件复杂,施工期埋设了大量的监测仪器,原有人工监测系统效率低、资料分析的同步性差。2002年5月,对其进行了自动化改造,现已有一套符合其特点的自动化监测系统。十三陵上水库水工建筑自动监测系统已正常运行了三年,同时也存在着问题,有待于进一步的探讨和改进。