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Application of clay grouting in rehabilitation of Linhuaigang flood control project

WU Yan- shu and ZHAO Ting   

  • Online:2006-08-28 Published:2006-08-28


吴艳书1, 赵婷2   

  1. 1.中国水利水电第十一工程局, 河南三门峡 472000; 2.黄河水利职业技术学院, 河南开封475004

Abstract: Clay grouting technology is an effective and simple method, and has been applied in many kinds of projects. This paper, based on the rehabilitation of Linhuaigang flood control project, introduced the key points in the aspects of construction, operation and quality control.

摘要: 粘土劈裂灌浆是一种比较成熟的大坝加固方法, 因其具有操作简单、经济效益好等优点, 广泛应用于各项工程。本文以临淮岗洪水控制工程加固为背景, 介绍了该技术的施工、操作要点和质量控制等方面内容。