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Lifting monitoring of face slab in reinforcement of Shuidong concrete dam

LAI Shi-kun   

  • Online:2008-12-28 Published:2008-12-28



  1. 福建省尤溪流域水电开发有限责任公司,福建尤溪 365100

Abstract: By pressure and slurry density control in grouting project of Shuidong dam, the goals of dam reinforcement and no lifting damage of upstream anti-seepage facing slab were achieved which were the key points of the whole project. This paper introduced lifting monitoring of face slab in grouting reinforcement.

摘要: 水东大坝在补强灌浆施工中通过控制压力和调整浆液浓度等措施,既要达到补强加固坝体的目的,又要防止上游防渗面板抬动破坏,这是实施补强灌浆工程的关键点。本文简要介绍了大坝补强灌浆过程中面板的抬动监测情况。