Dam & Safety ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 52-.

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Research on layout of underground main machine room for cable crane with fixed end and application in hydropower project#br#

YANG Chunxu   

  1.  Hua'neng Lancang River Hydropower Inc.
  • Received:2023-06-01 Online:2024-10-21 Published:2025-01-22



  1. 华能澜沧江水电股份有限公司黄登·大华桥电厂,云南 怒江,671406
  • 作者简介:杨春旭(1976— ),男,云南祥云人,高级工程师,主要从事水电工程建设管理工作。

Abstract: A hydropower dam is located in the canyon reach and the terrain on both sides is steep. To reduce project investment, the main room for cable crane is set underground. By use of upper guide pulley and through the shaft, the hauling system and hoisting system are transported into the underground room to provide power and cableway. This scheme not only can solve technical problems such as excavation and support of high slope, environmental protection and conservation of water and soil, but also can reduce investment and work amount, which is worthy of reference.

Key words: underground main machine room, shaft, anchor hole type, cable crane

摘要: 某水电站拦河坝位于峡谷河段,两岸地形陡峻,建设中为了降低工程投资,将缆机机房布置于地下,通过上导向轮将牵引及提升系统由竖井引入地下机房,形成了完整的缆机动力及索道系统。该布置形式不仅解决了高边坡的开挖、支护和安全稳定及环保、水保等诸多问题,还降低了工程量和工程投资。本工程的成功经验可为今后缆机设计与安装提供参考和借鉴。

关键词: 地下主机房, 竖井, 锚洞式, 缆索起重机

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