Dam & Safety ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 49-.

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Application of prefabricated modular construction in pumped storage power stations and its prospects#br#

 ZHANG Zimin   

  1. SinoHydro Bureau 14 Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2024-08-28 Online:2024-10-21 Published:2025-01-22



  1. 中国水利水电第十四工程局有限公司机电安装公司,云南 昆明,650032
  • 作者简介:张自敏(1986— ),男,甘肃定西人,高级工程师,从事水电站建设管理工作。

Abstract: Pumped storage power stations have relatively complex structures and the construction period is longer. Prefabricated modular pieces, which are standardized production in factory and assembled on site with high efficiency, is environmentally friendly. Based on the prefabricated modular construction applied to Yongtai pumped storage power station in Fujian province, this paper expounds on the structural characteristics of the pumped storage power stations and the prefabricated modular construction. Practice shows that application of prefabricated modular construction to construction of pumped storage power stations can help achieve green, efficient, environmental friendly and safe construction.

Key words: prefabricated, modular construction, integration, pumped storage power station

摘要: 抽水蓄能电站结构较为复杂,建设周期较长,而预制装配式建筑在工厂内进行标准化生产,现场组装效率高,对环境友好。依托福建永泰抽蓄电站采用的装配式建筑,从抽水蓄能电站和装配式建筑结构特点两方面进行阐述,将预制装配式建筑与抽水蓄能电站建设有机结合,助力实现抽蓄电站建设绿色高效、环保安全。

关键词: 预制, 装配式建筑, 集成化, 抽水蓄能

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