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Research and manufacture on AMSDD- SRBG and its application

JIANG Chen- guang, GUO Tong- bing and PAN Ji-ren et al.   

  • Online:2006-04-28 Published:2006-04-28


姜晨光1, 郭同兵2, 潘吉仁1, 吴晓峰1,朱佑国1   

  1. 1.江南大学, 江苏无锡 214122; 2.岳阳特种设备检验检测中心, 湖南岳阳 414000

Abstract: It is an incontestable conclusion that the Surveying Robot (Automatic Electronic Total Station) can monitor damdeformation automatically.But the stability of the base point belowthe Surveying Robot exert a tremendous influence to monitor precision. The Surveying Robot can not monitor the deformation point, when cover the surveying line with a body. For overcoming the above problem, the AMSDD- SRBG(Automatic Monitoring System of Dam Deformation by Surveying Robot Based GPS) system has been developed, which is integrated of the GPS technique with Surveying Robot. Using the AMSDD- SRBG system, the influence of the stability of the base point to monitor precision has been solved with simplified monitoring procedure and relative lower fixed investment cost of deformation monitoring. The structure and work principle of the AMSDD- SRBG system has been introduced in this paper. A monitoring example has been given. Based on the field self- inspection data , the basic warning principles of dams has been given.

摘要: 测量机器人( 即自动电子全站仪) 固然可以对大坝进行自动化( 或半自动化) 外部形变监测, 但测量机器人设站处( 监测基点) 的稳定性对监测精度的影响非常大, 并且当测量视线被遮挡后测量机器人将无法监测相应的形变点, 为了解决上述问题, 笔者及科研组将GPS 技术与测量机器人技术有机结合, 开发出了基于空间三维坐标基准测量机器人大坝形变自动监测系统, 该系统彻底解决了监测基站不稳定对监测结果的影响问题, 使监测的程序得以简化、监测的固定性投资成本得以降低。介绍了空基测量机器人大坝形变自动监测系统的结构、工