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Analysis on Dumen damfailure in Beiliu city and its reinforcement

ZHU Shi- yong   

  • Online:2006-04-28 Published:2006-04-28



  1. 广西玉林市鲤鱼湾水库水电管理处, 广西玉林 537814

Abstract: Dumen dam in Beiliu city breached two times since it has been put into operation in 1968. The first breach occurred in June,1990,when the dam body near the right bank being approximately 20 m long has been destroyed by flood and afterwards reinforced in 1991. On 8th June, 2000, the dam failure occurred adjoining left bank about 25m long. The reasons of dam failure has briefly analyzed in this article, and the rehabilitation for the second breach is introduced as well.

摘要: 北流市独门坝自1968 年建成运行以来已出现两次垮坝事故。对事故发生的原因进行了分析并对第二次垮坝的修复加固做了简要介绍。