Dam & Safety ›› 2022, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (6): 54-.

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Analysis and discussion on settlement trend of Shuhe hydropower dam

GUO Yurong, WANG Feng and WANG Huiyi#br#   

  1. Large Dam Safety Supervision Center, National Energy Administration
  • Received:2022-05-31 Online:2022-12-08 Published:2023-01-16


郭玉嵘,王  锋,王辉义   

  1. 国家能源局大坝安全监察中心,浙江  杭州,311122
  • 作者简介:郭玉嵘(1987— ),男,江苏盐都人,硕士,高级工程师,主要从事水电站大坝安全管理工作。

Abstract: Trend of subsidence occurs at Shuhe hydropower dam according to observed values. After systematic analysis on leveling observation method, observation accuracy and stability of benchmark points, it is believed that the settlement trend of the dam is caused by the uplift of benchmark points. The monitoring data are corrected by use of a stable benchmark point, and then the monitored vertical displacement of Shuhe dam is analyzed in combination with geological conditions, structural characteristics and
operation environment. Results show that the deformation of dam crest and dam foundation conforms to the general deformation law of gravity dams, the vertical displacement of dam crest is relatively large compared with similar projects, and the operation performance of dam is normal.

Key words: Shuhe hydropower station, dam deformation, vertical displacement, trend, benchmark point

摘要: 蜀河水电站大坝垂直位移测值表明大坝存在趋势性沉降,在对水准观测方法、观测精度及工作基点稳定性进行系统论证后,认为大坝趋势性沉降是由于工作基点上抬造成的。采用稳定的工作基点对观测数据进行修正,继而结合地质条件、结构特点及运行环境对蜀河大坝垂直位移观测结果进行分析。蜀河水电站大坝坝顶、坝基变形符合重力坝变形一般规律,坝顶垂直位移变幅量值在同类工程中偏大,大坝结构运行性态正常。

关键词: 蜀河水电站, 大坝变形, 垂直位移, 趋势性, 工作基点

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