Dam & Safety ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (3): 22-.

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Treatment design of the debris flow of Dazhai gully at Baihetan hydropower station

HUANG Chengjia, PENG Yu, XU Jianrong, XUE Yang and WANG Zhen#br#   

  1. PowerChina Huadong Engineering Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2020-05-21 Revised:2020-05-27 Online:2021-06-08 Published:2021-11-25


黄成家,彭  育,徐建荣,薛  阳,汪  振   

  1. 中国电建集团华东勘测设计研究院有限公司,浙江  杭州,311122
  • 作者简介:黄成家(1984— ),男,湖南浏阳人,高级工程师,主要从事水工建筑物设计、工程管理和工程数字化工作。

Abstract: Dazhai gully, located 300 m upstream the right water inlet of Baihetan hydropower station, is a low frequency but large viscosity debris flow gully which threats the construction and operation of the station. Based on the gully properties and the construction requirements, treatment scheme including "open discharge channel (slot) + pilings + local slide-resistant piles" is adopted. Silt-trap dams, pilings and open discharge channel are built. The mountain downstream is excavated to form an open slot to discharge the debris flow, by which the station safety is guaranteed.

Key words: treatment of debris flow, open discharge slot, open discharge channel, design of discharge structure

摘要: 大寨沟位于白鹤滩水电站右岸进水口上游约300 m,为低频率大型粘性泥石流沟,威胁电站的施工与运行。根据大寨沟泥石流特性和主体工程建设需要,采用“排导明渠(槽)+ 堆渣压坡+ 局部抗滑桩”进行综合处理,沟内修建拦沙坝、堆渣和排导渠,下游开挖山体形成排导槽将泥石流改道排出主体工程区,确保了电站施工期和运行期的安全。

关键词: 泥石流治理, 排导槽, 排导渠, 排导结构设计

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