Dam & Safety ›› 2020, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 5-.

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Summary and reflection on construction management of the damage repair project of Qingjiang cascade hydropower stations

WU Daocang and GONG Jianbing

  1. Hubei Qingjiang Hydropower Development Corporation Limited
  • Received:2019-10-30 Revised:2019-11-22 Online:2020-04-08 Published:2020-04-08



  1. 湖北清江水电开发有限责任公司
  • 作者简介:吴道仓(1973— ),男,安徽舒城人,高级工程师,从事水电站大坝安全监测、水工建筑物运行维护工作。


In 2016, Qingjiang cascade hydropower stations experienced six rounds of heavy rainfall, especially the 7·19 once-in-a-century severe flood. In October 2017, Qingjiang cascade hydropower stations experienced another severe autumn flood. Gates of three cascade reservoir dams were opened simultaneously for flood discharge. Affected by heavy rain and flood discharge, some hydraulic structures, slopes, bank revetments and drains were damaged. The damage repair projects for Qingjiang cascade hydropower stations lasted for nearly 3 years, including 17 major projects and 39 parts, with a repaired area of nearly 90 000 m2 and concrete pouring volume of 17 000 m3 . The construction management experience of the repair project is summarized to provide reference for similar projects.

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2016年,清江梯级电站历经6轮强降雨尤其是“7·19”重现期100年特大洪水的袭击,2017年10月,清江梯级水电站再次发生特大秋汛,3座梯级水库大坝同时开闸泄洪。受暴雨及泄洪影响,部分水工建筑物、边坡、护岸和工区排水沟等遭到损毁。清江梯级水电站水毁修复工程历时近3年,工程多达17大项、39个部位,修复面积近9万m2,混凝土浇筑量17 000 m3。修补工程建设管理经验值得总结,为类似工程提供参考。
