Dam & Safety ›› 2020, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 17-.

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Re-measurement and stability analysis of horizontal control network of a pumped storage power station during operation

CHEN Chao and SHANG Jinguang   

  1. PowerChina Beijing Engineering Corporation Limited
  • Received:2019-08-20 Revised:2019-12-17 Online:2020-02-08 Published:2020-02-08


陈  超1,尚金光2   

  1. 1. 中国电建集团北京勘测设计研究院有限公司,北京,100024;2. 成都市勘察测绘研究院,四川  成都,610081
  • 作者简介:陈 超(1986— ),男,四川都江堰人,工程师,主要从事水利水电工程精密测量与变形监测工作。

Abstract: Because of the special working condition of daily regulating reservoirs of pumped storage power station, the water level has a huge variation range during operation. It is of practical significance to analyze and study the stability of the horizontal control network around reservoir under the condition of huge water level fluctuation. This paper takes the horizontal control network of the upper reservoir of a pumped storage power station as an example, uses the deformation error ellipse method and T-test to determine the stability of points. In view of the disadvantages of inconsistent judging results from two pure mathematical models and the fact that judging process can not consider the actual situation of points, this paper puts forward a comprehensive analysis method. By combining mathematical model with actual situation to determine the stability of points, a more practical conclusion is obtained, which has guiding significance and greater practical application value for similar work.

Key words: pumped storage power station, stability analysis of control network, deformation error ellipse method, T-test, comprehensive analysis method

摘要: 由于库水日调节的特殊工况,决定了抽水蓄能电站水库在运行期会产生较大的水位变幅,分析研究环库周平面控制网在库水位较大变幅状况下的稳定性具有一定的意义。以某抽水蓄能电站上水库平面控制网为例,采用变形误差椭圆法、t 检验法进行点位稳定性判定,针对两种纯数学模型判定结果不一致、判定过程无法考虑点位现实状况的弊端,提出结合数学模型和点位实际状况的综合分析法进行点位稳定性判定,获得了更加切合实际情况的判定结论,这对类似工作具有一定指导意义和实际应用价值。

关键词: 抽水蓄能电站, 控制网稳定性分析, 变形误差椭圆法, t 检验法, 综合分析法