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Analysis on flood control capacity of Kezier reservoir

ZHANG Ming-jun, LONG Zhi-fei and ZHOU Ke-fa   

  • Online:2009-04-28 Published:2009-04-28



  1. 1.新疆克孜尔水库管理局,新疆拜城 842313;2.南京水利科学研究院,江苏南京 210029

Abstract: Because of the lack of measured floods data series in preliminary design in 1984, analysis on flood control capacity of Kezier reservoir this time added the series of consecutive floods from 1983~2006. After review, it was found that the status of flood control capacity of the reservoir was less than the design flood standard (1/1000). Engineering measures should be taken to improve flood control capacity. At the same time, the reservoir was located on sediment-laden river that its siltation was serious. With longer running time, flood control capacity of reservoir would be reduced. It was recommended that further study of reservoir siltation reduction measures should be carried out.

摘要: 克孜尔水库由于初步设计中实测洪水资料系列较短,资料代表性不足,本次设计洪水复核在1984 年补充初步设计的基础上,增加了1983~2006 年的连续洪水系列。经复核,水库现状防洪能力达不到1 000 年一遇设计洪水标准,应采取工程措施使水库防洪能力达到设计要求。