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Experience and lessons of Jicun dam built on the cretaceous period layer

LIU Shi-huang, ZHOU Qi-fang, and JIN Chang-Lin   

  • Online:2009-04-28 Published:2009-04-28



  1. 1.水利部水利水电规划设计总院,北京 100011;2.大唐陈村水力发电厂,安徽泾县 242500;3.国家电力监管委员会大坝安全监察中心,浙江杭州 310014

Abstract: Because of no experience, the Jicun hydropower station is built on the cretaceous period layer. After water impounding, problems were encountered such as the 108 m2 sludging area, much lower friction coefficients, high uplift pressure at dam foundation, partly disengaging of dam foundation surface and argillaceous sediment in discharge water. By many treatments, the integrated anti-seepage system was formed. Till now, it has been in operation more than 30 years, and its experience and lessons are worthy reference for same projects.

摘要: 白垩纪粘土质粉沙岩(俗称红层)具有亲水性,遇水软化、泥化、膨胀和失水干缩等特性,水库蓄水后,混凝土坝基常产生异常变形、渗流破坏、沿建基面滑动等问题,因而对红层上筑坝常有些忌讳。纪村电站是上世纪70 年代在红层上建筑的小型电站,由于对红层特性认识不足,缺乏红层上筑坝经验,蓄水后最大泥化面积达108 m2,摩擦系数明显降低,部分坝基扬压力很高,局部坝基面脱开,较多排水孔排出的水体中携带泥质沉积物。经多次处理,封闭了混凝土重力坝坝基,增加了防渗墙,完善了防渗铺盖,延长了渗径,放缓了渗流坡降,形成一个完整渗流控制