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Discussion on quality inspection of cutoff wall in river levee

LI Jin-rui   

  • Online:2009-06-28 Published:2009-06-28



  1. 安徽长江河道设计研究院,安徽芜湖 241000

Abstract: Cutoff wall in river levee is a concealed work whose quality is hard to be inspected and there is no national or industry standard. By analysis on methods and standards for cutoff wall quality inspection used in concealed works on the Changjiang River, conclusions were summed up to provide some experience for quality inspection of cutoff wall in river levee.

摘要: 江河堤防防渗墙属于隐蔽工程,要全面评价其质量决非易事。在其施工质量检验与评定暂无国家或行业标准的情况下,通过分析相关规范提出的防渗墙质量检验方法和标准,并结合长江重要堤防隐蔽工程采用的防渗墙施工质量检验与评定标准,对防渗墙质量检验提出几点看法,以期对江河堤防防渗墙的设计、施工及质量检验提供参考和借鉴。