dam ›› 2017, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 39-.

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Stability test of benchmark phaseⅠ for landslide body of Kala hydropower station on Yalong river

ZHENG Jian and GAO Hong-qi   

  1. Zhejiang Huadong Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2017-02-28 Revised:2017-04-12 Online:2017-10-08 Published:2017-10-08


郑 建,高红旗   

  1. 浙江华东测绘地理信息有限公司,浙江杭州,310014
  • 作者简介:郑 建(1978- ),男,浙江武义人,高级工程师,主要从事工程测绘工作。

Abstract: In this paper, the monitoring accuracy of deformation monitoring network for landslide body of Kala hydropower station on Yalong river is studied and the quality of GNSS data under the conditions of alpine canyon is evaluated, which provides engineering practice basis for GNSS deformation monitoring design under similar conditions. Moreover, the benchmark stability as well as the quality of GNSS data are analyzed.

Key words: GNSS deformation monitoring, GNSS observation data quality, internal compliance accuracy, external compliance accuracy

摘要: 对雅砻江卡拉水电站工程区滑坡体变形监测网的监测精度和在高山峡谷条件下的GNSS数据质量进行检验和评定,可为以后类似条件下的GNSS变形监测设计提供工程实践依据,对类似变形监测系统的建设具有借鉴意义。此外,对基准网稳定性情况、GNSS数据质量情况进行了检验分析。

关键词: GNSS变形监测, GNSS观测数据质量, 内符合精度, 外符合精度