dam ›› 2017, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 61-.

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Analysis on leakage of elastic oil tank of hydraulic turbine generator unit and its treatment

YU Ze-fa   

  1. Yunnan Datang International Lixianjiang Valley Hydropower Development Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2016-05-17 Revised:2016-07-12 Online:2017-02-08 Published:2017-02-08



  1. 云南大唐国际李仙江流域水电开发有限公司,云南 普洱,665000
  • 作者简介:余泽发(1987- ),男,云南昭通人,大学本科,工程师,主要从事水电站生产设备管理工作。

Abstract: Leakage of the elastic tank occurs during operation of Unit 2 of a hydropower station. Its excessive compression can not meet the operation requirements. Owing to the internal pressure reduction, the end part of the elastic oil tank changes into rigid contact with internal support as lose of cushioning effect. In the unit operation, the vertical impact force is transferred to the upper frame, which causes excessive vertical vibration of the upper frame and results in serious damage to unit parts. Improvement of the seal of the flexible tank is implemented. As well, the assembly of one-way valve is renovated by use of Italian professional one-way valve. Further, the second plug sealing is added. By these treatment, the 880 t and 950 t load pressure test proved the qualification of the elastic oil tank and it meets all the requirements in operation.

Key words: hydropower station, elastic tank, seepage analysis, treatment

摘要: 某水电厂2号机组在运行中弹性油箱发生泄漏,压缩值超标,不满足运行要求。弹性油箱渗漏内压降低,弹性油箱端部与内部支铁变为刚性接触,失去缓冲作用,机组运行过程中垂直方向冲击力传递到上机架,造成上机架垂直振动超标,对机组结构部件产生严重损害。对弹性油箱密封进行改进,对单向阀装配进行改进,使用意大利专业生产的单向阀,外加螺塞二次密封。弹性油箱处理后,880 t和950 t载荷耐压试验合格,回装后机组运行各项指标满足要求。

关键词: 水电厂, 弹性油箱, 渗漏分析, 处理