dam ›› 2016, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (6): 28-.

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Study on termite damage and its prevention measures for Miaowei hydropower station

YAN Jing, SUN Lai and WANG Dong-liang   

  1. PowerChina Huadong Engineering Corporation
  • Received:2016-09-19 Online:2016-12-08 Published:2016-12-08


鄢 镜,孙 来,王栋良   

  1. 中国电建集团华东勘测设计研究院有限公司,浙江 杭州,311122
  • 作者简介:鄢 镜(1982- ),男,福建福州人,工程师,研究方向为水工结构工程。

Abstract: Miaowei hydropower station is located in Dali, Yunnan Province. The project features a gravel soil core rock-fill dam and is designed to be built with 1.8 million cubic meter of earth-fill material. However, the site investigation discovered the presence of large amount of termite colonization. The investigation also showed that this infestation is distributed evenly across the planned material field. Without counter measures, it is foreseeable that the infestation would spread further into the dam body during its construction as well as after its completion. Further, it would potentially cause great damage to the dam and project. It is proposed that counter measures such as chemical pesticide, trap lamp should be carried out before the commencement of earth filling, during its construction, and after the completion, to ensure the future safety and soundness of the dam and the project.

Key words: Miaowei hydropower station, gravel soil core rock-fill dam, termite, potential damage, prevention

摘要: 苗尾水电站地处云南省大理州,大坝坝型为砾质土心墙堆石坝,大坝心墙设计需用土料约180万m3。现场调查发现,大坝坝址及各土料场均分布有大量白蚁,如不采取措施对其进行灭杀处理,大坝建造过程中和建成后,它们会通过大坝两端与山体连接处侵入大坝,进而危害大坝安全。苗尾水电站大坝在填筑前、填筑中和填筑后分别采用灭蚁药、诱虫灯等设备对白蚁进行监控和灭杀,为大坝的长久安全运行提供了有力保障。

关键词: 苗尾水电站, 砾质土心墙堆石坝, 白蚁, 潜在危害, 防治