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Influence of flood from Pushi river on flood discharge of Taipingwan hydropower station

LIANG Zhi-hai, ZHANG Qing-fu and ZHAO Hong-bo   

  • Online:2009-08-28 Published:2009-08-28



  1. 东北电网有限公司太平湾发电厂,辽宁丹东 118000

Abstract: The area of Pushi river to Heigou is concentrated rainfall zone,whose precipitation is much more than Taipingwan reservoir area. If flood discharge at the same time, the productive head would be brought down and flooded area would be wider. Thus, more importance should be attached on flood information to make the floods from the reservoir and Pushi river staggered, for more benefit.

摘要: 蒲石河位于太平湾水电站下游2 km 处,蒲石河-黑沟为东北地区集中降雨带。据1995 年洪水观测,蒲石河地区2 h 内比太平湾库区多降水120 mm,顶托太平湾尾水40~45 cm。若遇大坝泄洪,不仅减小发电水头,还加大淹没面积,使太平湾电站发电量减少3%~4%。若掌握洪水信息将大坝泄洪与蒲石河洪水错开,在相同条件下可多发电,增加经济效益。