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Data analysis on cracks at transportation drainage gallery in spillway chamber at Lubuge dam

ZHANG Zheng-mei and WANG Li-fu   

  • Online:2010-02-28 Published:2010-02-28



  1. 中国南方电网鲁布革水力发电厂,云南罗平 655800

Abstract: By analysis on the monitoring data of cracks at transportation drainage gallery in spillway chamber at Lubuge hydropower station, the cause reasons and the development of cracks were found which provided reference to dam operation.

摘要: 通过对鲁布革大坝溢洪道闸室交通排水廊道裂缝监测资料的分析,找出裂缝发生的成因,掌握裂缝的发展变化情况,为大坝的正常运行提供依据。