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Safety appraisal of old dams: an updated perspective

G. S. Sarkaria   

  • Online:2010-06-28 Published:2010-06-28


G. S. Sarkaria   

Abstract: A comprehensive appraisal of safety of a dam should consider all factors that contribute to the hazard potential of the structure and its appurtenances. A numerical dam hazard potential index may be developed for purpose of comparison. From the practical viewpoint appraisal methodology should consist of a“check for the weakest link”. Essential steps in a comprehensive appraisal program for safety of an old dam are discussed in this paper. The importance of adequate factors of safety in the hydrological aspects of design of a dam are also discussed and illustrated by actual case histories.

摘要: 对大坝安全进行综合评价时,应全面考虑可能对大坝及其附属建筑物构成潜在风险的所有因素。可以采用一个大坝风险指数来比较大坝潜在风险。从实践的观点看,评价方法应包括对最薄弱环节的检查。本文讨论了对老坝进行安全综合评价过程包含的一些主要步骤,并结合工程实例,讨论和说明了大坝设计中对水文方面要留有足够安全裕度的重要性。