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Measures of real-time audition in reclamation project construction stage

ZHAI Xing-dong   

  • Published:2012-04-28



  1. 浙江省水利水电勘测设计院,浙江杭州 310002

Abstract: Different from other civil works, reclamation project is constructed on soft foundation, so its real-time audition is especial. In this paper, according to the practical experience in some reclamation projects in Zhejiang province, the author summarized some measures to improve real-time audition quality in reclamation project construction stage, for reference.

摘要: 围垦工程均建设在滩涂软基上,不同于一般的建筑工程,其跟踪审价具有特殊性。结合浙江省几个围垦工程施工阶段跟踪审价的工作实践,总结出几条提高围垦工程施工阶段跟踪审价质量的措施,供参考。