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Monitoring and control of concrete temperature in construction of Sanwan water control project

ZOU Shi-kui, SHEN Hui and PAN Lin   

  • Online:2012-10-28 Published:2012-10-28


邹世奎1 ,沈慧2 ,潘琳2 ,   

  1. 1. 丹东市三湾水利枢纽及输水工程建设管理局,辽宁丹东 118000;2.国网电力科学研究院/南京南瑞集团公司,江苏南京 211106

Abstract: Cracks were found in gate pier of Sanwan dam in construction period. Some of them ran through the entire gate pier. In this paper, based on analysis of data by thermometers buried in gate pier, temperature change process and characteristic during the pier construction period was studied. Furthermore, the data were compared with the design temperature control indicators. These analysis results would be helpful to analyze the causes of cracks during the construction period.

摘要: 施工期发现三湾水利枢纽闸墩混凝土存在裂缝,部分裂缝贯穿整个闸墩。通过对埋设于闸墩的大量温度计监测成果的整理分析,研究了三湾泄洪闸闸墩施工期各部位温度变化过程与变化特点,并与设计温控指标进行了对比,分析成果可为研究闸墩施工期裂缝成因提供帮助。