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Long-term research on horizontal cracks at El.105 of downstream surface of Chencun arch dam

XING Lin-sheng and CHEN Keng   

  • Online:2009-12-28 Published:2009-12-28

陈村拱坝下游面105 m 高程附近水平向裂缝长期分析研究


  1. 国家电力监管委员会大坝安全监察中心,浙江杭州 310014

Abstract: Horizontal cracks which go throughout 24 dam blocks on the 105 m elevation of downstream surface of Chencun arch dam are found. Long-term research on these cracks was carried out, including sonic method for depth detection, appraisal on influence of cracks on dam stiffness and integrity by regress-statistical analysis in which crack width was a factor, analysis on advantages and disadvantages of epoxy grouting and et al.The research result showed that the dam safety is not endangered by cracks on the 105 m elevation.Further, the advice was advanced that attention should be paid to the crack development, and measures should be taken when necessary.

摘要: 陈村拱坝下游面105 m 高程附近存在横贯24 个坝段的水平向大裂缝。长期以来对该裂缝开展了多方位的分析研究,两次采用声波法对缝深进行检测分析;将缝宽作为因子之一回归统计解析裂缝对坝体刚度和整体性的影响程度;依据缝宽年变幅变化情况分析环氧灌浆的利弊作用;运用断裂力学方法研究遭遇设防地震时裂缝可能扩展深度;针对坝体结构特点按重力坝对105 m 高程以上坝体应力和稳定进行复核计算; 根据30 多年缝宽实测资料对其变化趋势和分时段增长速率进行分析;反馈研究促使缝宽增大的不利运行工况并提出了控制运行水位的设想。长