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Rehabilitation for Huangbizhuang Reservoir

Huo Guo-li and Qi Jian-tang   

  • Published:2002-08-28



  1. 黄壁庄水库管理处,河北鹿泉 060000

Abstract: There are many perils in Huangbizhuang Reservoir Project. Reinforcement has been implemented to eliminate that, and to make the flood-control standard up to10000-year return. The benefit from reinforced project will be greatly increased.?

摘要: 黄壁庄水库工程存在很多隐患,经过除险加固措施的实施,消除了工程隐患,使防洪标准达10000a一遇。加固后的水库工程效益将会显著提高。