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Trcatment work for tail water in Gongzui Hydropower Station

Li Deng-cong   

  • Published:2002-08-28



  1. 龚嘴水力发电总厂,四川乐山 614905

Abstract: Since Gongzui Hydropower Station put into operation,the tail water level always threaten the flood control safety against powerhouse (in dicating powerhouse on the ground). In this paper, the reason of in creasing tail water level, treatment scheme implement and it s restlt are presented in detail, which can be as reference for other hydropower stations with the same problems.?

摘要: 龚嘴水电站自运行以来,尾水位的抬高一直威胁着厂房(指地面厂房)的消防安全。本文详细介绍了尾水抬高的原因、整治方案、实施及效果,可供其他电站解决类似问题时参考。