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Application fo Siphon discharge culvert technology in to Hemen Reservoir’s rehabilitation

Liu Gui-shen, Deng Cheng-dong and Wang Yue-wu   

  • Published:2002-08-28



  1. 云浮市水利水电勘测设计室,广东云浮 527300

Abstract: Culvert modification usually plays a key role in rehabilitation for small sized reservoir. In Hemen, the Reservoir culvert in dam foundation with serious perils hase been replaced by siphon discharge culvert which has characteristics of simple structure, convenient to be constructed, saving cost and time, operation safety,management convenience. It provides a successful experience for the culverts similar to that.?

摘要: 涵管改造往往是小型水库除险加固的关键环节,合门水库用虹吸式放水涵管取代原有隐患严重的坝底涵管,具有结构简单、施工方便、节约工期、节省投资、运行安全、管理方便等优点,为同类工程坝下涵管改造提供了成功的经验,对点多面广的小型水库除险加固具有一定的指导意义。