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Practice of setting discharge emergency gate in Majitang Dam

Xiao Zhi-xing, Cao Sheng-qian and Cao Xi-yao   

  • Published:2003-02-28



  1. 1.马迹塘水力发电厂,湖南桃江 413405;2.湖南省电力公司,长沙 410007

Abstract: Majitang Hydropower Station is the first tubular hydropower station in China, there are no emergency gate set ting in 23 spillway gates, so those working radial gates can not be tested and repaired. The phenomena which dangered dam safety operation of gate body corrosion, sealing destroyed and so on occurred. Finally, plan of stoplog emergency gate has been carried out and successfully set it under the condition of keeping water-level.?

摘要: 马迹塘水电站为我国首座贯流式电站,大坝23孔泄洪闸没有设置检修门,工作弧门常年挡水而不能做启闭检修调试,出现门体锈蚀、止水撕裂、支铰发卡等严重危及泄洪闸安全运行的现象。经详细的技术、经济与施工难度比较后,选择了叠梁式检修闸门方案,在不降水位的情况下成功的设置了检修闸门。