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Safety detection of work gate in overflow dam of Yilihe 2nd Hydropower Station

Jiang Jian-guo,Yao Jia-zhong and Hu Kang-jun et al   

  • Published:2003-02-28



  1. 水利部水利专用施工机械质量检验测试中心,杭州 310012

Abstract: The safety detection result of work gate in overflow dam of Yilihe Second Hydropower Station is introduced, its safety operation, maintainablity, operation condition and measures are roundly assessed.?

摘要: 介绍云南以礼河二级水电站溢流坝平面工作闸门的安全检测成果,并综合评估了其服役安全性、可维修性、运行环境及应对措施;本文对以礼河梯级电站水工金属结构的安全运行有重要参考意义。