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Dam monitoring automation system of hydropower stations in Northeast China

Song En-lai   

  • Published:2003-02-28



  1. 国家电力公司东北公司,沈阳 110006

Abstract: In recent years, most of hydropower plants have realized the automatic dam safety deformation monitoring, and developed the corresponding application software. It’s going to set up the network system of hydropower stations in Northeast electric grid.This network system is of the functions of rapid online judgment and warning.It can provide the detail data on dam deforma-tion for operators and owners.?

摘要: 近年来,东北水电站大坝变形监测已大部分实现了自动化,也相应开发了一些实用性软件,今后要在电网内各水电站建立大坝监测自动化网络系统。该系统具有快速在线判断和技术报警等功能。已建立的东北水电站大坝安全信息中心网络,连接各厂的总线网络,及时为有关领导提供大坝变形的详细资料和数据,在防汛期间能提供决策依据,保证大坝安全运行。