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Application of Web in to reservoir info system construction

Dong Da-fu and Zhao Jian-da   

  • Published:2003-02-28



  1. 水利部农村电气化研究所,杭州 310012

Abstract: A reservoir information system is mainly composed of automatic control system of power station, dam safety monitoring system, regimen forecasting system, image surveillance system. It provides information visiting platform, by which the users can expediently get the information from each system. That needs to adopt the data base management technology to deal with information. It introduced to use web technology to develop comprehensive information issuance system on the basis of B/S.?

摘要: 一个水库的信息化系统主要由电站自动化监控系统、大坝安全监测系统、水情测报系统、图像监控系统等系统组成,提供一个信息访问平台,能够方便直观地让用户得到各系统的信息,这就需要采用数据库管理技术集中处理信息,应用Web技术,开发基于B/S方式的Web综合信息发布系统。?