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Internal deformation monitoring in Shisanling Pumped Storage Station

Niu Xiang-zhi   

  • Published:2003-06-28



  1. 华北电力集团公司十三陵蓄能电厂,北京 102200

Abstract: Monitoring system modification on internal deformation of the dam of upper pond is presented in this paper. Because the working condition of pumped and powered change frequently in pumped storage station, it requires monitoring system charactering high measures frequencies, quick data analysis and good isochronism of each item.Realization on monitoring system automation will be beneficial to timely detecting the peril for dams.

摘要: 介绍十三陵蓄能电站上池大坝内部变形监测的自动化改造,抽水蓄能电站抽水、发电工况变化频繁,对坝体的变形监测要求测量频次高、数据分析速度快、各监测项目同步性好。因而,实现坝体内部变形监测的自动化有利于早发现坝体隐患,成为大坝安全监测的有力手段。