Dam & Safety ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 48-.

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Exploration and engineering application of vertical reaction provided by anchor bolt

XUE Yongping#br#   

  1. Gansu Water Resources and Hydropower Survey and Design Institute Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2023-06-08 Online:2021-08-08 Published:2023-11-03



  1. 甘肃省水利水电勘测设计研究院有限责任公司,甘肃  兰州,730000
  • 作者简介:薛永平(1971— ),女,甘肃张掖人,工程师,主要从事混凝土工程试验、岩土工程试验研究工作。

Abstract: Large in-situ tests require applying vertical loads to the rock mass or the test object to obtain mechanical parameters. The vertical load is provided by vertical reaction devices, and commonly includes the load/stack platform and the anchor pile reaction device. Taking Tianshui Quxi urban and rural water supply project as an example, the deformation and shear tests of rock mass of dam foundation were conducted using ground anchors to apply vertical reaction forces, verified the applicability and feasibility of cement mortar anchoring steel bars as the reaction device, and provided reference and basis for similar projects and tests.

Key words: in-situ test, vertical load, shear resistance, deformation, anchor bolt

摘要: 大型原位试验需对岩体或试验对象施加竖向荷载,以得到岩体力学参数。竖向荷载由竖向反力装置提供,常用的竖向反力装置有压重(堆载)平台和锚桩反力装置。以天水曲溪城乡供水工程为例,其水库坝基岩体变形试验和抗剪试验利用地锚施加竖向反力,验证了水泥砂浆锚固钢筋作为反力装置的适用性和可行性,为类似工程及试验提供参考和依据。

关键词: 原位试验, 竖向荷载, 抗剪, 变形, 锚杆

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