Dam & Safety ›› 2022, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 58-.

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Application of horizontal directional drilling technology in water diversion project of Yuzhuang reservoir#br#

ZHU Wantao   

  1. Liyuan Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2019-12-23 Revised:2020-04-01 Online:2022-04-08 Published:2022-07-05



  1. 丽水利源工程咨询有限公司,浙江  丽水,323000
  • 作者简介:朱万涛(1986— ),男,辽宁沈阳人,工程师,从事水工结构研究与设计。

Abstract: Most small reservoirs in China are built during 1960—1980, and for vast majority of them, the earth-rock dam with buried culverts under the dam are adopted. Because of the poor technical and economic conditions then, dam foundation excavation and the soil compaction above culvert are unfavorable. After long-term operation, leakage and aging have already become the main problems for culvert, but not severe. At present, plugging the original culvert and building up new diversion facility are widely applied. Combined with the construction of water diversion system of Yuzhuang reservoir, the advantages and disadvantages of horizontal directional drilling as well as its application are discussed, for reference for similar projects.

Key words: Yuzhuang reservoir, water diversion, directional drilling

摘要: 我国小型水库大多建于20世纪六七十年代,绝大多数采用土石坝与坝下埋管结构,受当时技术、经济条件所限,坝基开挖与涵管以上覆土压实质量参差不齐。而今,这批水库运行多年,坝下埋管老化、渗漏成了主要问题,多数渗漏量不大。当前处理方法多为坝下埋管封堵、重新开凿输水设施等。笔者着重探讨了水平定向钻输水管工艺的优缺点,以及该工艺在余庄水库输水设施工程中的应用。

关键词: 余庄水库, 输水, 定向钻

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