Dam & Safety ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 37-.

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Analysis on stability of Diaokou reservoir dam

LIU Zhao   

  1. Linfen Design Institute of Water Conservancy and Survey
  • Received:2020-09-03 Revised:2020-09-17 Online:2021-04-08 Published:2021-11-24


刘  钊   

  1. 山西省临汾市水利勘测设计院,山西  临汾,041000
  • 作者简介:刘 钊(1986— ),男,山西临汾人,工程师,研究方向为水利水电工程设计及土木工程设计。

Abstract: Diaokou reservoir dam is built on sandstone, conglomerate, sandy mudstone, mud and shale of the Lower Triassic in Liujiagou group (T1l). Under the action of water, the soft interlayer of mudstone may get degraded which is unfavorable to the stability of dam body and foundation. Therefore, the anti-sliding stability of dam body is calculated in the case that sliding happens on the surface between the concrete cushion and the bedrock. Stability of the soft interlayer of mudstone in dam foundation is calculated and analyzed. After treatment, the calculated anti-sliding stability coefficient of the soft interlayer of mudstone in dam foundation can meet the requirements of technical code.

Key words: anti-sliding stability, safety coefficient, dam stability analysis, Diaokou reservoir

摘要: 刁口水库大坝位于三叠系下统刘家沟组(T1l)砂岩、砾岩、砂质泥岩、泥、页岩上。泥岩软弱夹层在水的作用下有可能产生泥化,对坝体和坝基稳定不利。因此,坝体抗滑稳定按混凝土垫层与基岩接触面滑动进行计算,对坝基泥岩软弱夹层进行深层抗滑稳定计算分析,坝基泥岩软弱夹层经工程处理后计算得到的抗滑稳定安全系数均满足规范要求。

关键词: 抗滑稳定, 安全系数, 大坝稳定分析, 刁口水库

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