Dam & Safety ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 19-.

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Analysis on typical slope problems of hydropower stations under artificial disturbance and preventive measures#br#

SHI Jizhong   

  1. Zhejiang Huadong Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2020-02-19 Online:2021-04-08 Published:2021-11-24



  1. 浙江华东工程咨询有限公司,浙江  杭州,310014
  • 作者简介:石继忠(1989— ),男,山西晋中人,工程师,研究方向:水利水电工程安全。

Abstract: In this paper, typical slope problems in construction, water storage and discharge process of hydropower projects are presented. Based on the characteristics and causes of the typical slope problems, protective and control strategies are advanced. The analysis shows that the slope problems are a major issue for hydropower projects, including problems in weak geologic bodies induced by the excavation and support during construction, surge over the dam induced by slope deformation and landslide during water storage, slope problems induced by atomized rain and severe scour during water discharge, and et al. In-depth research on the mechanism of slope stability and instability is required. In terms of slope treatment, traditional protective techniques such as "zone isolation, local reinforcement, seepage prevention and drainage promotion" should be strengthened. As well, new techniques such as "hydraulic regulation and ecological slope protection" should be developed, to effectively and globally protect the slopes of hydropower stations. 

Key words: slope problem, induced by construction, induced by water storage, induced by discharge,  , protective measures

摘要: 从施工、蓄水和泄流过程凝炼典型边坡问题,基于实体工程对典型边坡问题的特征与成因,以及防护与调控策略进行阐述。分析表明:当前国内边坡问题凸显,施工期弱地质基体在开挖-支护过程作用下诱发的边坡问题、蓄水期库区边坡谷幅变形及滑坡致涌浪越坝问题、泄流期雾化雨、强冲刷作用下的边坡问题等,均需深入分析边坡稳定性和失稳机理。在边坡治理方面,需强化“分区隔离,局部加固,阻渗促排”等传统防护技术,积极拓展“水力调度,生态护坡”等新技术,是促进水电站边坡全局防护的有效路径和可行策略。

关键词: 边坡问题, 施工诱发, 蓄水诱发, 泄流诱发, 防护措施

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